Gary the Seagull
I remember when I decided to start posting metal detecting videos on YouTube. I had been detecting for a while and wanted to share my experiences. First thing first, I needed a name. I ran so many names through my head but nothing stuck. I was trying hard to incorporate Treasure Hunting into the name. Nothing seemed right. Having a good name felt important. After much thought, I realized it is not the name but what you do that matters. One day it just hit me. What am I doing and where am I? Thus, “Diggin SoCal” was hatched.
I never imagined anybody would watch my videos. I figured I would upload them to share with my kids and family. When I first started making videos, I continuously hounding different family members asking if they had watched the video yet.
One of the best things to happen to me was Christine. She showed an interest in my hobby and wanted to try it. So off we went. She was horrible at detecting and slowed me down. But, It was nice to have someone to detect with and share the experiences. I never discouraged her and am impressed at how she has progressed.
Christine and I talked about the channel and what the channel needed. One thing we were stuck on was a logo, mascot or both. We tossed around so many ideas. We almost went with the California black bear. It really did not seem right.

Gary the Seagull
One day, while walking along the beach, I was listening to the seagulls. They sure can be loud. At that moment, I knew I wanted to incorporate a seagull into my logo and make it my mascot. As it turned out, making a decision was the easy part. I now had an idea but how to get the idea from my head to a usable format.

Gary the Seagull
I searched high and low for someone to assist me in the creation of a logo. Finally I found a great graphic artist. I explained what I wanted and he went to work. The first draft did not look right and I was sending him ideas and telling him to change this and that.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the logo was born. Diggin SoCal had an official logo/mascot.
The seagull mascot went unnamed for a while. Christine and I had no plan to actually name our mascot.
On one particular trip to the beach, we were working our way down the beach when we came across a seagull in distress. The bird was in the surf and injured. I approached the seagull and carefully moved it out of the water and up on the sand. It was not looking good. Its head was tilted and sand was in its mouth. The seagull’s breathing was labored and Christine was already on the phone trying to get assistance from animal control.
While we were waiting with the seagull, we started calling him Gary. Unfortunately, Gary expired. I admittedly was choked up and Christine was crying. I know it was just a seagull but for us, we tried to save it and for some reason that created a bond.
Once animal control took Gary away, we knew right then and there that our Seagull now had a name! Gary the Seagull was born.

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Hello Bill and Christine thanks for your channel and website. Sunday June 27, 2021 11:00 AM eastern time and I’m headed out to hit some parks with my Garrett AT PRO and Garrett Carrot just east of Atlanta.
Can you tell me a good plastic scoop to use for sand/wood chips? I’ve got metal fiskars/leche ones but plastic seems good…
Have a good day!
Hey Jim,
The website is still being worked on so sorry we didn’t see this sooner. I use a pinpointer and a small scoop (all plastic) in the wood chips and sand when in the parks. You don’t really need a full scoop for parks. Detect, locate with PP and move chips/sand around and bingo!!! If you choose to get a hand held sand scoop in the future, best to get one with no metal in it so it does not interfere with the detector. GL&HH
I just started detecting, thanks for all your tips. Robert Ferguson, who I also watch, gave you a shout out when he found a tent stake…lol! You should check inside the cellphone cases for cash if you don’t already. Thanks for all the adventures, happy hunting!
Bill ,what mode do you usually use when detecting?
I think I already replied to you elsewhere…. but it depends on where I am hunting…. shoot me an email if you want to talk about modes more…[email protected]
Bill ,what mode do you usually use when detecting?
Love watching the hunting. I use A White’s MXT as my main detector. I have found hundreds of coins etc. Run into interesting people while hunting. Georgia here, the left coast .
I want a hat. When will they be available?
They just went up on the site tonight…limited supply
Always entertaining and informative! Love the laughs.
Thank you so much for your comment. Thrilled you liked it!
Hey Bill & Christine
I have been following for about month now, and enjoy watching. I live in Idaho, so no beaches. I just started metal detecting and have been enjoying doing so. Keep up the great work. Ken